Sunday, August 20, 2017


Captain Socks LIVE from GenCon

GenCon happend, and Captian Socks was there and got was able to talk with Dave, and some of the other Hawk people and players that were there. Enjoy!

Friday, August 18, 2017

THLZ Episode 19: Is it just me or do the Shaltri sound like the Xindi...

And last but not least, the Shaltnanigans...

In this weeks episode Duncan derps, Jason has coffee, and Peter gets a shed...  We also talk about the Shaltari Fleet deck, talk about a battle report from David, and Michel's tournament  is back on.

Friday, August 4, 2017

thlz episode 18: the white sphere speaks....

This is why Cyborgs are a bad idea...

This week myself and The Bruce talk about the epic PHR fleet deck, yes it is epic. The Duncan Levi gets mocked for having a battle report and not showing to talk about it. Then we talk about bad news, but it's ok we follow up with some good news. So sit back relax and enjoy this cast.